If you already have a domain name then you can use a subdomains to accommodate any new content.

Subdomain can have its own website with its own unique content. New domain registration is not needed! Instead of it you can create a subdomain on an existing domain by replacing the WWW portion to other, for example blog.mydomain.com or buy.mydomain.com.

To create a subdomain, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to cPanel control panel using https://firsthost.lv/en/cpanel/
  2. In "Domains" section click on the "Subdomains" icon.
  3. Select the domain for which you will create a subdomain.
  4. Then add a subdomain name in "Subdomain" field. "Document root" field will be is filled automatically.
  5. After filling all fields click "Create" button and your subdomain will be ready to go!
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